Online Medical School Rankings

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Virginia Medical Schools: Medical School Rankings in Virginia

Top Medical Schools in Virginia

The state of Virginia has a total of 5 medical schools to choose from. Be sure to check with each school within Virginia to determine whether or not you qualify to receive financial aid or in-state tuition.

Choosing a medical school is an important decision, so use this data as one piece of your decision making process. The right medical school will prepare you to enter into a fulfilling career of medicine, so it’s important to independently research each of these universities and colleges.

See also  Yale University School of Medicine

The chart below lists each medical school found in Virginia.

Eastern Virginia Medical School

700 W. Olney Road
Norfolk, VA23507

757 446-7360

Admission Profile

Average MCAT: 32
Average GPA: 3.49
Enrollment: N/A

Tuition And Financial Aid

In State Tuition: $27,712
Out Of State Tuition: $53,150

Students Receiving
Financial Aid  76%


University of Virginia School of Medicine†

P.O. Box 800793-McKim Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22908


Admission Profile

Average MCAT: 33
Average GPA: 3.73
Enrollment: N/A

Tuition And Financial Aid

In State Tuition: $35,557
Out Of State Tuition: $45,879

Student Receiving
Financial Aid  92%


Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Medicine

P.O. Box 980565
Richmond, VA 23298-0565

804 828-4800

Admission Profile

Average MCAT: 29.3
Average GPA: 3.6
Enrollment: N/A

Tuition And Financial Aid

In State Tuition: $27,345
Out Of State Tuition: $40,459

Student Receiving
Financial Aid  71%


Virginia Tech Carilion
School of Medicine

2 Riverside Circle Ste. M140
Roanoke, VA 24016


Admission Profile

Average MCAT: 32
Average GPA:3.5
Enrollment: N/A

Tuition And Financial Aid

In State Tuition: $12,985
Out Of State Tuition: $26,258

Student Receiving
Financial Aid  73%


Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine – Virginia Campus

2265 Kraft Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060

540 231-40008


Admission Profile

Average MCAT: 24
Average GPA: 3.53
Enrollment: 651

Tuition And Financial Aids

In State Tuition: N/A
Out Of State Tuition: N/A

Student Receiving
Financial Aid  93%


Category: Medical School